Voltage Optimization
Voltage optimisation is an electrical energy saving technique with the mains electricity supply to provide a reduced supply voltage for your business’ equipment.
Voltage Optimization Services
Voltage optimisers are essentially transformers, and they deliver power at a reduced voltage from the raw mains supply. Most VO units are installed in commercial premises, in between the raw mains transformer and main low voltage distribution board.
Our experts carry out a full analysis to understand exactly which supplies would benefit from this energy saving technique. This also ensures that the most suitable Voltage Optimisers are purchased, they are of a correct size and will have a significant energy saving impact on your business.

Voltage Reduction
Lighting Optimiser up to 25%
The Energy Info Team utilises the latest solar equipment available and by doing so provides the very best efficiencies and product longevity, they are also much better for the environment and your pocket!
Voltage Optimiser 8-13%
The international energy agency (iea) projects that solar power could generate 22% of the world’s electricity by 2050. Although UK sunlight volume is seasonal and can vary with the weather, solar generation is calculated from a dataset of historic annual sunlight figures. An algorithm is utilised to calculate predicted sunlight volume, by day and area in-line with UK guidance.
AC Induction Motor Control
Our intelligent motor controller provides dynamic control of a motor across a wide range of applications and conditions. Our controller constantly monitors the motor’s load and calculates the exact amount of power required at any time – reducing the amount of electricity used, increasing the life-span of motors, reducing maintenance requirements and reducing the amount of CO2 produced.
Savings can be made across many applications including:
- Air conditioning
- Refrigeration
- Conveyors
- Baggage handling
- Escalators
- Pumps
- Die cast machines
- Crushers
- Presses
- Conveyor belt
- Mixers
- Industrial saws
- Injection moulding machines
- Grinders
- Compressors