Solar Photovoltaic Panels
Energy Info Team reliably supplies buildings with free power generated by sunlight – and you, as the owner, attractive reduction in your energy bills. Year on year!
Solar Photovoltaic Panels Services
Power generation in the UK is changing rapidly and we are facing huge challenges. Energy Info Team is a renewable energy along with wind, hyrdo, bioenergy and geothermal. However, as with G-GEN™, energy generated by G-SOL™ is generated locally, making it highly efficient and an important contribution to a stable energy supply, as energy isn’t lost/wasted during transit. G-SOL™ deployment is expected to rise significantly in the coming years.

The Energy Info Team utilises the latest solar equipment available and by doing so provides the very best efficiencies and product longevity, they are also much better for the environment and your pocket!
Electricity costs have consistently risen over the past decades are forecasted to continue in the same vein. Investing in on-site power generation such as G-SOL™ is a quick, financially sound way of protecting your organisation against rising energy costs.
The international energy agency (iea) projects that solar power could generate 22% of the world’s electricity by 2050. Although UK sunlight volume is seasonal and can vary with the weather, solar generation is calculated from a dataset of historic annual sunlight figures. An algorithm is utilised to calculate predicted sunlight volume, by day and area in-line with UK guidance.
Utilising free generated power on site is the perfect solution compared against traditionally generated power which is only 64% efficient. A Energy Info Team solar system does not emit any carbon emissions so CO2 can drop by up to 80% when you switch to G-SOL™.
READY FOR Energy Info Team?
- Energy profile analysis – Analyse your energy data
- Property analysis – Suitability check
- Property – Specific economic viability study
- Design order
- Detailed design and planning
- Preparation of a binding offer
- Conclusion of the contract
- Installation and commissioning